to Cat & Fiddle

Michael Verdi, Jackson West and I on our way to the Pixelodeon pre-party mixer at the Cat & Fiddle.

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The Vloggies Show was shooting their episode on Bearcasting at Ritual Roasters with Justin. I shot a bit of their work and asked Nora about it.

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Pier Screenings – May 2007

I shot this when I arrived a bit after 7 pm at the NewTeeVee and MetaCafe sponsored Pier Screenings at Pier 38.

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Peter Morgan at the 50th SFIFF

Peter Morgan talked at the 50th San Francisco International Film Festival where he received the Kanbar Award or excellence in screenwriting. Interviewed by film writer David Thomson, Peter Morgan talks about the people in his plays in films — such as Queen Elizabeth II and Idi Amin — who most do not consider sympathetic in the‚ situations given, come out more human and interesting.

Note: Apologizes for the color and white balance being off.

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Videoblogging Week 2007 Day 7: Lucky 13

On the last day of Videoblogging Week 2007, I joined the improptu get-together at Lucky 13 that Scott Beale twittered.

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Videoblogging Week 2007 Day 6: Irene McGee & Sergeant Johnson

On February 16th Irene’s San Francisco apartment burned up in an electrical fire. On Friday, April 7th, I came by to work on her computer. During that time Irene was giving medicine to her surviving cat, Sergeant Johnson, for his burns.

Wednesday April 11th is the Irene McGee Friendraiser, Toasting the Fire event to support Irene getting back on her feet. It’ll be at the Red Devil Lounge with:

+ Exene Cervanka (punk rock legend) is headlining the event

+ Ben Fong-Torres (the “Almost Famous” guy/former editor of Rolling Stone Magazine) who just came out with the new book about the Doors (he was the last journalist to interview Jim Morrison before he died…) will be doing a reading/chat/and performance

+ VinSantos

+ Kitten on the Keys will be hosting the evening she is sooo amazing to watch and just a fantastic comedian/pianist/vaudeville performer who wears the most amazing costumes you’ve ever seen

Come by, enjoy the performance and support Irene getting things back together.

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Videoblogging Week 2007 Day 5: Apples

Time for a run to Whole Foods.

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