Videoblogging Week 2007 Day 4: Josh Wolf Is Free

On April 3rd friends of Josh Wolf held a celebration of his getting out of jail at the House of Shields.

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50th SF Intl. Film Festival Opening Press Conference

At the April 3rd opening press conference to the 50th San Francisco International Film Festival, Graham Leggat talked about International Online. Working with, 5-10 full feature films will be available for select viewing.

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Videoblogging Week 2007 Day 2: Sam Shaber

A song Sam Shaber performed on Friday, March 30th at a house concert. It’s dedicated to Mark Day for the wrong reason.


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Videoblogging Week Day 1!

I was at Ritual Roasters on the first day of Videoblogging Week, April 1st.


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Retrospective to 50th SF International Film Festival

Last night I went up to the Stockton Street Apple Store presentation theatre for the SF360 fifty year retrospective leading to the 50th San Francisco International Film Festival.

Fellow blogger, Steve Rhodes of TigerBeat, was there also taking photos and blogging the event.

First, Susan Gerhard, the editor and bureau chief of SF360, spoke about the information available on the site.

Then photographer Pamela Gentile regaled us with how she began as photographer for the festival in 1985, the stories behind her classic images of movie stars, directors and other luminaries at the festival.

Followed by Miguel Pendas, San Francisco Film Society historian, demonstrating how to look up information on the site historical section.

Miguel’s demonstrated a search for festival guests starting with Antonioni, leading to others.

Finally, archivist Jennifer Preissel showed the treasure of audio and video media being made available in the historical area.

Jennifer showed video of the 2001 Clint Eastwood interview (image at top) and audio from Bette Davis reminiscing during her tribute at the 13th SFIFF.

The film festival web sites will be filling in with more material leading up to the opening night on April 26th. Expect more audio and video to go online. So have a look at whose shown up in the past and going to be at the 50th.

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Dorothy’s Melting

In July, 1996 I edited this music video for the local San Francisco Indie band, Dorothy’s Melting. Dorothy’s Melting became Plavu which disbanded in 2001. Alzara Getz performs with The Black Slipper Society and Underbrush.

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Carp Caviar Extract (1:22)

Carp Caviar Extract for tightening, firming and lifting. You just press on all over!

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