vPIP Embedding at Vloggercon (3:57)

What are the options for putting a video on a website? What is dynamicaly embedded video? These and other options for embedding video using vPIP will be covered in the Interactive Videoblogs session of Vloggercon.

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3 Responses to vPIP Embedding at Vloggercon (3:57)

  1. bottomunion says:

    Does the vPip make an enclosure for itself, or do you have
    to add that after vPip makes the code? Just curious?

  2. Enric says:

    vPIP depends on a simple HTML structure to function. It’s defined on the Using vPIP section. Here’s a sample:

    <div class=”hvlog”>
    <a href=”http://www.myserver.com/media/myMovie.mov” rel=”enclosure” title=”My Movie!” onclick=”vPIPPlay(this); return false;”>
    <img src=”http://www.myserver.com/images/myMovie.jpg” />

    A code generator comes with vPIP where you just specify the image link and movie file.

    The embed code is dynamically inserted when the image link is clicked.

    Let me know if I haven’t answered your question.



  3. Kath says:

    thanks for writing this utility Enric! it works great. I’m just catching up on emails and came across it. a very elegant solution. keep up the great work

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