In lieu of a current video, I’m putting up a short film I did at San Francisco City College in the Film Lighting class, “Cat Nap.” It was shot with their silent 16 mm film camera, the music composed by a friend.
In lieu of a current video, I’m putting up a short film I did at San Francisco City College in the Film Lighting class, “Cat Nap.” It was shot with their silent 16 mm film camera, the music composed by a friend.
ooh, film-vlogger! I love how film looks in video – there is nothing that can really replicate that effect. I love the mood and how the elements come together.
Interesting effects. Thanks for sharing that.
Nice work Enric. Hey just curious, how did you digitize it?
Thank you for viewing my site, Jack.
A local professional video house, Monoca Labs (http://www.monacosf.com/), transferred the 16 mm film to 3/4″ video when I first did the film in the mid ’80’s. Recently I transfered at Monaco that 3/4″ version to mini-dv.